
इस App का उपयोग करके 2.5 लाख रुपये प्रति माह कमाएं [Earn 2.5 Lakh rupees per month by using this App]

2018-03-31 18 Dailymotion

इस App का उपयोग करके 2.5 लाख रुपये प्रति माह कमाएं [Earn 2.5 Lakh rupees per month by using this App]

⚫Referral code➡️NJQ3SF

Hello friends, Welcome to my YouTube channel "Technical Point 4U".
Friends, in this video I am showing you that how to earn 2.5 lakhs Per month by using OneAd App. So in today's video i am showing you the details review of OneAd App.

How to use this Application -
At first you have to install this Apk from Playstore(App link is given above).
After installing, open the app and fill your details(ex.- Name, Mobile no., Date of Birth etc and then fill the Referral code - NJQ3SF) after that you have to tick on I agree------, And at last click on the Sign up button. Then your OneAd account will be credited, and now you are free for earning on this App.
By referring this App to your friends and creating your own a big network, you can easily earn 2.5 lakhs per month from this App.

For getting more informations and uses directions, please see this entire video

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Technical Point 4U.